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Permanent Cure For Premature Ejaculation And Weak Erection

weak erection cure
Premature ejaculation is an uncontrolled ejaculation either before or shortly after penetration. It happens with minimal sexual stimulation and before the either partner wishes. And this can result in unsatisfactory sex for both partners. It can also increase the anxiety that may result to some sort of problem. This is one of the most common forms of male sexual dysfunction. It has probably affected every man at some point in his life because it can strike at any point in time, without minding the age of the fellow. But it’s common amongst male from 38 to 52 years old.

What causes premature ejaculation?

Most cases of premature ejaculation do not have a root cause. But with sexual experience and age, men often learn to delay orgasm. Premature ejaculation may occur with a new partner; this can be related to anxiety. It may happen only in certain sexual situations or if it has been a long time the fellow had sex. Psychological factors such as anxiety, guilt, or depression can also contribute to the cause of PE. In some cases, it may be related to a medical cause such as hormone imbalance, injury or a side effect of certain medications.

What are the symptoms?

The main symptom is an uncontrolled ejaculation either before or shortly after intercourse begins. Ejaculation occurs before either partner wishes it should, and with minimal sexual stimulation.

How is premature ejaculation diagnosed?

Medical examination; your doctor will discuss your medical and sexual history with you. He or she will do a thorough physical examination. He or She may also like to talk to your partner. There are many causes of Premature ejaculation. So your doctor might as well order lab tests to ascertain the root cause and to rule out any other medical problem.

How is it treated?

Few cases of premature ejaculation gets better on its own over time without Treatment, practicing relaxation techniques or using distraction methods may help you delay ejaculation too. But for some men, stopping or cutting down on the use of alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs may improve how well they can control ejaculation.

Doctors have also recommended that partner practice certain techniques to help delay ejaculation. For example, you may learn to identify and control the sensations that lead up to ejaculation and you may learn to communicate with your partner to slow or stop stimulation. You can try using a condom to reduce sensation to the penis. Or you can try a different position (such as lying on your back) during intercourse. Counseling or behavioral therapy may help reduce anxiety related to premature ejaculation. Let's be honest, you don't need anyone to twist your arm to convince you to have sex. You were born with a penis and you like using it. Well duh!

It's no secret that testosterone production trails off as you get older. And this can affect your performance and brings a variety of sex-related problems into your bedroom, like weak erection and pre-mature ejaculation.

Then there's the issue of size. It’s in record that the average American penis is between five to seven inches long. But there are a lot of guys smaller than that, and women hate that, to them, this is refers to as an unusually small penis. Before you scoff at this, recognize that about one in every 200 men has a penis less than two inches long when fully erect. That's almost 750,000 guys in the United States alone. The number will be astonishing when we add the figure from other countries that we’ve collected their data.

It's also no secret that women likes large penis. Yes, there are better ways to measure a man's self-worth than the size of his Johnson. But have you ever heard a woman say she prefers a small penis? The vagina is lined with sensitive tissues that give pleasurable sensations during sex. If the penis is too small it doesn't hit these pleasure spots, it then makes it difficult for women to orgasm naturally.

That is how biology made us guys and we know about it. When you're young and fertile, you love life. When you're older or born with a small penis, things gets really challenging. Do you see where I'm going with this? You've got a penis, and it’s fun to use it, but sometimes guys need help, to make it bigger and to keep the libido in vigor form.

I know that you've heard of Viagra. That's the miracle drug of the late 90's that gave erections to senior men around the world. Viagra did good things for many men, it's true! But it's expensive, at around twenty bucks a pill. And it has been highly counterfeit these days. In a while it's proven to give wood, so to speak, it doesn't boost sexual health. Put another way, Viagra gives the ability to get an erection, but not the desire. Most time, it makes men drowsy and blurred eye sight. You can as well get addicted to it.

Getting back to penis enhancement, you've probably heard there's a surgery available to make the penis bigger. It's called phalloplasty, and it's used to lengthen and widen the penis. Men that had phalloplasty to widen their penis are generally satisfied with the results. But lengthening the penis by this method has its own different story. Researches have revealed that a whopping 73% of the patients who underwent penis-lengthening phalloplasty are unhappy with the results (usually an added inch).

The surgery isn't a cakewalk either. Since the penis is a series of tissues and ligaments that doesn't take kindly to knives, can easily damage, sometimes this damage is permanent. By trying to make your penis bigger with surgery you might actually risk never getting it up again.

By the way, you're paying five grand for this. And you'll probably have to pay another five grand for the required follow-up surgery. Is that Nice to you? Hey, all you want is to have sex with a decent-sized erection with the stamina and health to back it up. Is this too much to ask? No it's not, my friend. Here comes the answer.

This is an all-natural male enhancement process that is formulated with a proprietary blend of potent herbal nutrients and aphrodisiacs that produce a larger, harder erection and boost sexual health. Because the ingredients are natural, it doesn't produce nasty side effects and doesn't require a trip to a doctor. And because of its benefits sexual health, you'll be able to produce a large erection, use it whenever and where ever you please.

Although, some male enhancement products promise massive, permanent gains to your penis. This very one stimulates blood flow to the penis and increases its capacity to hold blood, giving you a larger erection. You probably won't get a nine inch penis. What you WILL get is a large erection, ejaculation control and longer orgasms.In other words, you'll have great sex, without surgical knives, prescriptions or twenty dollar per pill drug addiction. You’re a man and you deserve great sex at any age. This permanent cure for premature ejaculation supplement will give you that.

Many people have used this formula and have attested to it efficacy and potency, and the results are all over the internet. If find this post interesting, do no hesitate to share it with your friends on the social medias by hitting the icon of your choice below. Thanks for visiting!

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