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Natural Skin Treatment That Works Wonders Inside – Out Your Skin

skin treatment oil
We understand that most people go to a dermatologist to get injections for their beautiful skin, these pierce the outer layer of the skin called the epidermis. An injection was necessary because it had to get to what lies underneath the surface of your skin. It goes deeper… into the dermis.

The dermis is the layer of the skin underneath that supplies the nourishment, oxygen, removes waste and toxins; it takes responsible to keep your skin healthy.

Today I want to talk to you about a new technology designed to support and nourish that under-layer of your skin without piercing or manhandling the skin tissue. In other words, it will get to the real source of your skin’s beauty without injections, and adverse side effect of any kind.

All you need is a new and special technologically formulated herbal supplement, which can serve as transport chambers to send nourishment under the skin. This technology has proven particularly useful in the skin care. Thanks to this special formula – it can send nutrition right through the tough, protective outer barrier of the skin, right to where you need it.

When you apply the oil to your face, the ingredients will work their way inside your skin, fuse with the skin cell membranes and then release their contents directly inside the cells.

Now we have discovered how anyone can use these oil transport chambers to deliver hyaluronic acid (HA) to the skin. When HA is delivered, you get a plumping effect inside your skin. And when the effect wears off, you can simply smoothly on a little oil. Just like having a “med spa” at your fingertips. You get the nutrition whenever and wherever you need it – inside the skin cells. Not stuck outside your skin’s tough outer layer.

An Introduction to Argan Oil

Take a deep breath when you read this, there are over 10,000 industrial chemicals in common skin care products. The average number of adults that lives in industrialized and more civilized countries is exposed to over 168 hazardous chemicals each day. And everything applied to the skin, be it lip stick or deodorant, sun block or general skin care products are absorbed by the body, just like they'd been eaten.

You remember that scene in the second season of The Simpsons, in which Mr. Burns ran for Governor, and a three-eyed fish, affectionately called "Blinky", mutated by the pollution from Burns own power plant, came back to haunt him?

Now the natural skin care movement gets stronger by the day than ever. And one of the more prominent players in this industry is argan oil from the deserts of Morocco.

What is Argan Oil?

Argan oil is a popular natural skin care supplement, valued for its cosmetic properties and medicinal uses. Among other things, argan oil is used to:

Moisturize the skin

Fade wrinkles

Fight acne

Heal skin conditions, including eczema and psoriasis

Strengthen finger nails

Condition damaged hair

Argan oil is an extract of the Argania tree that once covered much of North Africa. Today the tree is endangered, and grows only in a UNESCO protected biosphere in Morocco. Considering that a litre of argan oil constitutes a full season of output from a single tree, argan oil is both rare and highly prized.

Moreover, the composition of argan oil is of particular interest to the anti-aging industry and to consumers looking for a natural alternative to common skin care products. With a hefty dose of fatty acids, antioxidants, polyphenols and a skin-loving 200% more vitamin E than olive oil, you can see why argan oil has been used for over 3,500 years, for health and for beauty.

A Closer Look at Argan Oil

Argan oil is versatile. In fact, many consumers dabble a small amount in their hair after a thorough cleanse, to treat split ends. You can also use argan oil to fade stretch marks, strengthen finger nails, and reduce wrinkles and those fine lines from the sun.

A closer look at argan oil reveals traces of:

Vitamin E (Tocopherol) - A powerful antioxidant, vitamin E reduces harmful free radicals and protects the skin from sun damage. Vitamin E also improves the skin's ability to retain and use water.

Essential Fatty Acids - These keep your cells healthy and your skin plump, with the ability to re-form after stretching.

Oleic and Linoleic Acid - Essential for their anti-inflammatory properties to help heal the skin from previously encountered damages.

Antioxidants - The body's warriors that protect the skin from free radicals, sun damage, chemicals and pollution. If Blinky the Fish had more antioxidants, he might have avoided that trademark third eye.

Polyphenols - Protection from UV rays and aging from sun damage, polyphenols are anti-inflammatories and fight free radicals.

Squalene Oil - With similar functions to olive oil, squalene oil is a natural moisturizer, a powerful healer and is ideal for people with eczema and psoriasis.

Should You Use Argan Oil?

If all this has your attention, and you're excited about argan oil and its many uses and healing properties, know that you're looking for argan oil in its purest form right now.

We understand that is very uncommon for some of the larger skin care brands to dilute argan with additives and preservatives. Sometimes these products have in excess of 20 ingredients. All of which dilute the product and reduce the good things that argan can do.

Having said that, argan oil which is popularly called "liquid gold" for a reason. It's rare, it's potent, and with a track record over three millennia, it's proven. If you have dry skin, sensitivities to common skin care products, frizzy hair, wrinkles or stretch marks, or a general interest in natural skin care, then yes, argan oil holds value and is worth your trial.

But remember that you're looking for pure argan, undiluted with preservatives that degrade argan oil and the magic it does. Your best bet is to purchase argan oil in its pure form, from a major skin care name with minimal use of parabens and with discount packaging.

To that end, you might consider Skinception Cold Pressed Cosmetic Argan Oil, which offers the power of argan oil with the comfort of the Skinception name with a proven track record, live customer support, discount pricing and a firm, money-back guarantee.

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