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Reviewed - Advantages of Herbal Supplement over Synthetic and Organic Estrogen

Estrogen is a group of female sex hormones that stimulate the appearance of secondary female sex characteristics in girls at puberty; it controls growth of the lining of the uterus during the first part of the menstrual cycle, it causes changes in the breast during pregnancy, and regulates various metabolic processes. Among the better-known estrogens are: Estrone, Ethinyl estradiol, and estriol, all produced primarily in the ovaries. 

Stilbestrol and ethinyl estradiol are two synthetic estrogens that are respectively five and ten times as potent as estrone; their activity is similar to that of natural estrogens. They are used to treat various conditions, including estrogen deficiencies in women (most commonly after menopause) and inflammation of the vagina. 

They may be used to stimulate lactation following childbirth and in the treatment, but not cure, of advanced and even disseminated cancer of the prostate gland in men. Research has shown that administration of estrogen as a post-menopausal hormone-replacement therapy helps recipient experience a significant decrease in bone fractures.

And questions remain regarding the safety of estrogen in hormone-replacement therapy has been raised in different quarters. Possible risks include breast or uterine cancer or cardiovascular disease. However, when estrogen is used in combination with progestin, another hormone, the risk of uterine cancer and heart disease decreases significantly.

Recent research indicates that unlike earlier types of synthetic estrogen, some of the newer forms may not carry increased risk of breast and uterine cancer. Popularly known as designer estrogens, these drugs have shown considerable promise in the treatment of many disorders, including some forms of cancer. Tamoxifen, a type of designer estrogen used to treat breast cancer, has been shown to prevent breast cancer in some women. 

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Raloxifene in 1997 for the treatment of osteoporosis, is also being investigated as an anticancer drug. Other studies indicate that some designer estrogens may slow the brain deterioration associated with Alzheimer’s disease. The apparent benefits of designer estrogens, particularly their effect on breast cancer, have raised considerable interest in the medical and scientific communities, and this promises to be an active area of research in the coming years.

Okay, what of a situation where a woman will balance her hormone without the fear of thinking of the risks outlined above, a situation where herbal supplement replaces the type of estrogens that requires regular doctor’s checkup and examinations because the body is taking what it rely needs? Of course, that is what this post is written about.

You see, technology have advanced and the era of using drugs to manage health instead of maintaining it is facing out, the only thing that is keeping drugs on the shelf is because of the amount of money the pharmaceutical company have invested in the universities and research centers all over the world. 

And any one of them that cares not to go with the trend of Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Chiropractic, Biofeedback, Naturopathy will be left behind because people have seen the potency in herbal health products and they are consuming them in large numbers.

Talking about herbal products, here is a product that has been used by women all over the world and they are testifying about it. .  And because of it’s efficacy in the treatment of women’s hormone imbalance, they have become very popular. Today, product worth of millions of dollars is exchanging hands on daily basis to every parts of the world.

However, the use of herbs to enhance women's sex drives andpleasure have been an age long practice in many societies. For years folk medicine and naturopathic healers have had a variety of natural and botanical ingredients in their arsenal of tools to combat female unstable sexuality due to fatigue, stress, dietary deficiency, aging, hormonal changes or emotional upset. 

What is new now is the availability of these herbs in specialized, pre-calibrated formulas in new standardized dosages. The good news is that the formulas worked excellently well to help women all over the world combat the menace of frigidity, virginal odor, dryness, painful intercourse and low libido, this product worked so well that women are buying them in record numbers and celebrating the results. 

The bad news is that the herbal medicine market is not left out of infiltration of fake and poseur products that do not meet user’s expectation, which cost as much as many people are unable to afford. Therefore, I advise you do your due diligent by first gaining an understanding of how this product works, what goes into a quality supplement, and then make an informed choice to get the best result.

I am talking about a non-prescription, balanced formula that can be taken as a daily supplement without any side effect, interference with birth control or other medications you might be taking now, like the synthetic and natural estrogen. However, specific formulation for herbal supplements varies by manufacturers, but you will be sure to find succor in a particular product that is created in a cGMP pharmaceutical-grade facility, and of top-quality ingredients.

 Meaning, the ingredients in a good supplement individually will work to promote better blood flow, increase muscular relaxation, and act on hormones for increased, more energetic sexual response. In addition, the hormone-balancing factors in the formula should be able to combat the negative effects of menopause, such as night sweats, hot flashes etc., and should balance mood and attitude before or during menopause. 

Taken cognizance of a blend that is thoughtfully created and precisely calibrated, the effects on the overall female reproductive system are overwhelmingly positive -- from a healthier, more satisfying sex life tonatural fertility and orgasm. It is on this premise I can say, “herbal supplement is better than synthetic or organic estrogen”.

There are many brands out there that are claiming to help women regain or enhance their sex life at any age, as such it takes diligent research to find out the best formula, but the product I am talking about seems to meet the criteria for female enhancement and treatment of hormone imbalance, it has also become very popular, and it is produced by one of the top best companies in the US  sex health industry.

 Below are a partial list of the ingredients that goes into this product, and a description of how each one of them works specifically on the female sex health system:
Maca - legendary South American herb with centuries-old reputation for increasing libido

Red raspberry leaf - a female tonic, uterine contraction regulator, pregnancy herb
Red clover - a blood cleanser and nutritive, positive effects on hormonal systems regulating pregnancy and lactation

Cayenne pepper - a stimulant that equalizes circulation and strengthens the heart
Licorice root - a botanical that strengthens and tonifies the adrenal glands and enhances hormonal function

Bayberry fruit - natural ingredient that increases blood flow and capillary dilation in the mucus membranes of the vagina to enhance lubrication
Damiana leaf - a centuries-old remedy used as an aphrodisiac for its ability to stimulate genitals

Valerian root - a time-honored remedy that reduces tension and emotional stress, aids in a restful sleep, and eases menstrual cramps

Ginger root - a total system stimulant that enhances the action of other herbs
Black cohosh root - a favorite of midwives that acts on the uterine and vaginal ability to contract, balances hormones and has a mild sedative effect

When you take this supplement, the blend described above goes to work on the body system from multiple fronts: circulatory, hormonal, stress reduction, female-specific notification and overall effects on the genitals. 

Other formulas may contain amino acids, vitamins, enzymes or various vegetable extracts. However, many of these ingredients are available individually from health food stores or herbal pharmacies, but the prevailing wisdom today points to the superiority of formulas like this.

This product has been is pre-calibrated and blended to take the guesswork out of herbal extracts -- not to mention the more economical approach of buying a complete capsule as opposed to a bewildering array of pills or tinctures that must be measured, mixed or calculated each day. 

Although, results may vary for individuals, but most women reports positive effects after only about a week or two of using this supplement.
Unlike prescription meds, natural supplements have no side effects what so ever and it can be ordered without a prescription or costly doctor's office visit. 

Because of its safety and efficacy, this natural sex arousal and pleasure enhancer is the number one choice today among women seeking to improve their libido and sexual pleasure. Notwithstanding, I make this claim base on the reports that were posted on the company’s website by the women that have used this product.

This review is not intended to deceive or force any body seeking medical help into buying this product. Nevertheless, if you click on the anchor text in this article and purchase the product I recommend, the company will pay me a tiny commission without any extra cost on you, but be sure the product I recommended is what you are looking for before making any purchase. 

Meanwhile, I hope you have gained some insights about advantages of herbal supplement over synthetics and natural estrogen, on that note I suggest you show us some love by sharing this post on the social network of your choice for other people to learn what you have known. Spread the message and create the awareness!

Better still, you are allowed to post your comment concerning this post and the subject matter, feel free to post your comment below, and I will try to reply as soon as possible.  See you next time.

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