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Best Treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia - Brain Pill Herbal Supplement

Alzheimer’s disease is an increasing brain disorder that causes a gradual degeneration in memory, language skills, perception of time and space, and eventual inability for sufferer to care for oneself. A German psychiatrist called Alois Alzheimer first narrated the disease in 1906, at that time, the sickness was thought to be a rare condition affecting only young people, and was referred to as pre-senile dementia.

As time goes on, late-onset Alzheimer’s disease was identified as the most common cause of the loss of mental function in people aged 65 and above. At the time it became less frequent with people in their 30s, 40s, and 50s, which account for about 26 percent of the estimated 400 million Alzheimer’s cases in the world today.

Although the disease is not a normal part of aging process, but the risk of developing the disease increases as people grow older. Research have shown that over 20 percent of the United States population over the age of 65 are suffering for Alzheimer’s disease, and about 44 percent of those over age 85 are believed to have it.

According to the Alzheimer’s Association of the USA, there is the possibility of the disease increase dramatically rising by 10 percent in the coming years, with an aging population; the number of cases expected to be more than triple by the year 2050, unless a cure is found.

Alzheimer’s disease brings to bear a devastating effect, not only on the patients, but also on the caregivers. Some patients experience immense fear and frustration as they struggle with once commonplace tasks and slowly lose their self-reliance. Family, friends, and especially those who provide daily care suffer emotional pains and stress as they witness the disease slowly takes their loved one away from them. 
 Memory Loss from Alzheimer’s disease:
“A physician administers a test of memory and cognitive abilities to an elderly woman with Alzheimer’s disease, a degenerative brain disorder. In this excerpt from the test, the woman demonstrates uncertainty about the present month and day of the week, although she quickly recalls the year. The date of the test was Wednesday, February 11, 1998”.

Alzheimer's patient interview, courtesy of Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer's Disease Center, Northwestern University Medical School, Dr. Darren R. Gitelman, Assistant Professor of Neurology and Radiology, Northwestern University Medical School. All rights reserved. 

The onset of Alzheimer’s disease is usually very gradual. In the early stages, patients might have relatively mild problems learning new information and remembering where they have left common objects, such as keys or a wallet. As time goes on, they begin to have trouble recollecting recent events and finding the right words to express themselves.

As the disease progresses, patients may have difficulty remembering what day or month it is, or finding their way around their surroundings. At this point, they may develop a tendency to wander off and then be unable to find their way back.

Moreover, they often become irritable or withdrawn as they struggle with fear and frustration when once commonplace tasks become unfamiliar and intimidating. Behavioral changes may become obvious as patients become paranoid or delusional and unable to engage in normal conversation.

Eventually Alzheimer’s patients become completely incapacitated and unable to take care of their most basic life functions, such as eating and using the bathroom. However, they can live many years with the disease, and die from other ailments that may develop, such as pneumonia.

Typically, the time from initial diagnosis until death varies from individual cases; this is quite variable and can range from three to twenty years depending on the age of onset, other medical conditions, and the quality of care that is being given to patient.

Nevertheless, this entire ugly situation may no longer happen to those that already have the disease and those that are yet to suffer for it; thanks to the scientific advancement in homeopathy and naturopathy, because experts in these fields have research on the best treatment for Alzheimer’s disease and have came up with the wonderful product called Brain Pill.

Please note, this post contains recommendation of the product (Brain Pill), if you click through the anchor links to the product’s site and purchase the product, the company will pay me a tiny commission without any extra cost to you. However, make sure this product is exactly what you wanted to buy before placing your order. 

Those first signs of slipping memory can be a little alarming – especially if you know the boredom of that route. You may first see it in your 40s, or even younger, with memory loss symptoms like slower facial recall or where you left an item. What groceries you were supposed to buy and the rest.

While it is normal to forget things occasionally, it is also a pattern to watch. The makers of Brain Pill natural memory supplement believed it is important to keep your brain active. Exercise your memory just like the other parts of the body; give your brain a good daily workout with these memory-booster tips. Courtesy of Brain Pill:

1.     Your brain needs a workout, Use Your Memory Daily. It is a case of ‘use it or lose it’, so use your brain every day, try crosswords, for example, or read a section of the newspaper you would normally skip. You might also take a different route to work, and try to learn a new language or how to play certain musical instrument.

2.     Try to See Your Friends and relations – You are not an island. Depression and stress combined can also lead to memory loss, which is why you will want to socialize often – especially if you live alone. 

3.     Be with others and take them up on their invitations, it gets better when you do have regular one-on-one discussions with people, and always organize Your Life – You lose points with a cluttered home because you are more likely to forget stuff when things are not in place. 

4.     Make lists and notes of appointments and things to do in a special notebook or on your calendar. Heck, download an app on your smartphone and write down what needs to be done. Speak it aloud too, to reinforce it in your memory, and check-off your tasks when completed.

5.     Stay focused on tasks and limit distractions, you are more likely to recall information if you concentrate specifically on single rather than multi-tasking. Put another way, focus on what you want to remember later and you are in better shape to remember it quickly.

6.     Sleep Well – Shut-eye helps your memory, most adults need seven to eight hours of sleep each night. So make time for adequate rest – go to bed earlier if you have to and work on your sleep hygiene. Your memory will thank you when you try to remember stuff the next day.

7.     Eat Healthy – Do you see a pattern here? Your memory likes healthy foods that extend to your diet, with plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Opt for low-fat protein, like fish and skinless poultry. Drink plenty of water too, and watch your alcohol intake.

8.     Exercise Daily – This boosts blood flow throughout your body, including your noggin. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity like walking each week, says the Department of Health and Human Services, or 75 minutes of something with greater intensity, like jogging, though even a few 10-minute brisk walks per day will suffice in a pinch.

9.     Stay in Touch With Your Doctor – Chronic conditions can affect your memory, to say nothing about the rest of your health. So follow your doctor’s recommendations, be it for depression, your kidneys or anything else in your medical history. Review your medications often with your doctor as well, because some medications can reduce your memory.

Use Brain Pill
I cannot end this article on how to improve your memory without emphasis to Brain Pill natural memory supplement. That is because it is simply rocket fuel for your brain; it is a cognitive booster with clinically proven nootropics like cognizine, vinpocetine and ginkgo biloba, which increases alertness and blood flow in the brain.

Studies also suggest the ingredients in Brain Pill enhance and may even protect memory against damage, that is why it is called “Your Unfair Advantage”, and that is not without good reason – better memory is linked to higher cognitive function. Your brain is more efficient with a sharp memory, which gives you better intelligence, and the financial and social rewards that go with them.

Use Brain Pill to improve your memory. Combine it with the memory-boosting tips I mentioned above, and you really do have an unfair advantage. Your memory will like it, and you may finally have a solution to that pain-in-the-butt issue of where you left your things! 

Far from that, a good number of Alzheimer’s patients and people suffering for Dementia have also recorded improvement in their memory after using Brain Pill supplement for sometimes. In addition, this post is to your advantage if you or your loved one has similar ailment. Brain Pill works!

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