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Stretch Mark Removal Therapy That Can Treat Stretch Marks Permanently

skinception intensive stretch mark removal cream
Both men and women are liable to get stretch marks on different parts of their bodies, this include: the belly, thighs, hips, breasts, upper arms, and lower back. And the marks are formed in the dermis, the middle layer of skin that allows it to retain its shape. When constantly stretched, the dermis can break down, creating these marks we see on the skin.

It might interest you to know that this kind of scarring happens when the skin is unable to bounce back after it's been stretched by pregnancy, weight gain, or extreme weight loss. The marks often start off looking reddish or purplish and then become glossy, making the skin appear to be streaked in silver or white. And this has given some of the sufferers a lot of concern, looking for every possible treatment they can receive to get rid of this skin troubled marks.

Although, there are several treatments for stretch marks, but none of them have proven to be 100% effective. The degree of success will depend on your skin tone, age, amount of sun damage your skin has had, and even your diet.

These Treatments include:

Surgical Method, Dermabrasion, Chemical Peels, or Laser Surgery

Lotions and Creams: Prescription Retin-A or Tazorac gels or creams stimulate collagen have helped to treat stretch marks over time. Only the pink/purple-colored ones will fade though; the grey/white marks are mature and do not respond to this treatment. Over-the-counter products like Lac-Hydrin lotion hydrate the skin to help to reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

If you are pregnant and worried about getting stretch marks, I suggest you talk to your doctor at the beginning of your pregnancy. Steady weight gain of 25 to 30 pounds over the 9 months of pregnancy may help reduce them.

Because your health insurance will not cover stretch marks treatment since it is considered a cosmetic problem, even if they are very noticeable. However, try and talk to your health insurance company if you have questions about your coverage.

Whereas you got stretch marks already? You're not alone. Between seventy-five and ninety per cent of women develop stretch marks during pregnancy. Apart from that, both men and women tend to add or loss weight at a very point of their lives, and the scenario I described above will occur. Stretch marks are a reminder that your body's done some life-changing things, and it wears them proudly.

That's not to say you should be ashamed. After all, some of the most monumental events in life cause stretch marks. Pregnancy, adolescence, and weight fluctuations (including weight loss) are all milestones. But when the clothes come off, they're milestones you could do without.

The causes of stretch marks is a combination of things, but the events I've just described can all trigger the hormones called Glucocorticoids that suppress the body's ability to produce Elastin and Collagen. And this is bad news, because it's these two proteins that provide tight, healthy and vibrant skin. Without sufficient Collagen and Elastin production, the layers of the skin will separate and cause the grooved and discolored appearance of stretch marks. Hmm!

The good news is that stretch marks are preventable. A team of researchers and dermatologist have formulated Skinception Intensive Stretch Mark Therapy with the latest in skin care ingredients. They're chosen because they work, and they work well. Skinception Intensive Stretch Mark Therapy is clinically proven to reduce the appearance of stretch marks by up to 72.5%...in just two months!

Skinception Intensive Stretch Mark Therapy is potent, yet nourishing. Effective but gentle. Let's look under the hood and see some of the ingredients that make it works better than other products:

Regestril – this is one of the leading ingredients in Skinception Intensive Stretch Mark Therapy, it makes stretch marks disappear. In a recent clinical survey of 13 women with post-pregnancy stretch marks, volunteers applied a 2% concentration of Regestril to affected areas for two months. At the end of the study, color, indentation and width of the stretch marks improved by 20%, and the women reported a 70% reduction in depth of scarring.

Darutoside – this is a stimulator of collagen growth, it helps wounds heal fast, encourages tissue renewal and skin elasticity. Darutoside stimulates cellular matrix regeneration, meaning the protein structures in the skin become durable and can stretch without tearing which goes a long way to preventing stretch marks! And it is also an anti-inflammatory.

Pro-Sveltyl – this is originally developed for its anti-cellulite properties, it is made from an extract of the sacred lotus flower Nelumbo Nucifera. And it stimulates collagen synthesis and helps to repair damaged skin. It makes skin smooth, soothing irregularities and encouraging the strong dermal matrix required for taut, healthy skin.

Pro-Coll-One+ - this is a relative new-comer to the skin-care industry, it stimulates collagen I (the body's most common form of collagen) in healthy human fiberblasts by an astounding 1,190%! In a 56 day clinical survey, participants applied a 2% concentration of Pro-Coll-One+ twice daily. And it reduced skin roughness by almost 10%, and 78% of study participants reported a noticeable improvement in texture of skin.

Skinception IntensiveStretch Mark Therapy reduces and erases those embarrassing stretch marks with the latest in skin care technology. Gentle and nourishing, yet potent and very effective, Skinception Intensive Stretch Mark Therapy makes skin smooth, even, and best of all, without stretch marks! Don't go another day with those unsightly reminders of where you've been. Embrace the future, with sexy, vibrant skin for the world to see. 

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