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What Causes Hair Loss and How You Can Fight Against It

Ever since men and women began actively searching for a way to counteract hair loss it seems that there have been an infinite number of research and ideas surrounding what actually causes the problem. However, no one has really been able to prove one theory over the others until very recently when a group of herbal medicine researchers discovered the solution to the problem.

And that was when new studies broke through and concluded that one of the main causes for hair loss is an abundance of DHT within the body. That means that in many ways, despite what many people have told you, it simply is not your fault that you are losing hair. It isn't because you wore hats or cap too often, it rarely has anything to do with a deficiency when it comes to vitamins, and it certainly has nothing to do with stress or genes.

While it is now proven that DHT is the main cause of hair loss, there are also a number of other reasons why men and women may lose their hair. These include side effects from medications or medical treatment, illness or disease, or possibly even mechanical damage that can come about from rough brushing.

Why is DHT so Dangerous?

DHT can be very damaging to your hair follicles as it battles against the receptors in your scalp. The result is that you are only able to produce thinner and thinner hair as time goes on, and it can also decrease the lifeline of the follicles on the whole. Over time, an excess amount of DHT can kill off follicles altogether and leave you with no hair at all.

Who does Hair Loss Affect Most?

Despite what many people think, hair loss can affect both men and women of all ages and races. However, men are far more commonly affected over the course of their lives. In fact, some men have been known to show signs of hair loss during their teenage years while close to 42% of men are known to start struggling with losing their hair by the age of 30.

When it comes to hair loss for women, it is common for them to negatively affect after the age of 36. It can often become more noticeable when they reach the age of 52 and can become a serious concern after menopause.

If you know how much DHT can affect hair loss, and that both men and women are affected by the problem, gives you the foundation to understand how this herbal hair loss treatment actually works. Every ingredient within each one of the products is aimed at decreasing DHT levels in the scalp and the system has been designed to be equally effective for women and men of all ages.

This is far more than a lot of other competing products in the market today can offer, and once you factor in the affordable price it becomes easy to see why everyone is talking about this herbal hair loss treatment. Whether you are looking to prevent hair loss, stimulate the growth of new hair, or simply improve the overall health of your hair and follicles, it just does not get much better than what you’ll get with this particular formula.

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