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Review About The Most Effective Treatment For Reducing Excess Body Fat And Look Great

An expert panel convened by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), a United States government health agency, announcement on June 17, 1998 was the first US federal guidelines for classifying, measuring, and treating conditions of overweight and obesity in adults.

The new guidelines classify 97 million American adults, about 55 percent of the adult population, as overweight or obese, which is defined as the accumulation of excessive quantities of fat in the body.

Prior to the NIH guidelines, the National Center for Health Statistics, another US government agency, identified about 33 percent of the adult population as overweight or obese.

The 24-member panel, assembled in 1995 by the NIH's National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), drafted the guidelines after reviewing thousands of studies linking excess body fat to a wide range of chronic health diseases and ailments.

According to the NHLBI, being overweight is associated with a modest increase in risk for hypertension, Type II diabetes, coronary heart disease, respiratory illnesses, stroke, and many other diseases.

And Obesity has been linked to a steep increase in risk for these conditions. The new guidelines advise physicians to use a three-pronged approach to determine whether a patient is dangerously overweight or obese.

 The first involves calculating body mass index (BMI), a formula for estimating a person's body fat.

The new guidelines define a BMI of 25 or more as overweight. While the previous standard defined overweight as a BMI of 27.3 for women and 27.8 for men. The new guidelines define obesity as a BMI of 30 or more.

Because BMI is based on a height-to-weight ratio that does not distinguish between muscle and fat, the NHLBI panel recommended that physicians also regularly measure a patient's waistline.

Perhaps, researchers have linked fat around the waist to higher increases in mortality than fat stored elsewhere on the body, including the buttocks and thighs.

In addition, the guidelines encourage physicians to look for the presence of other factors that can increase the risks posed by excess weight, including a family history of high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, and other conditions.

According to the NHLBI, evaluation of all three measures is necessary before physicians recommend treatment, including weight loss, to patients.

Some groups said the new guidelines were too stringent and could encourage overweight or obese people to neglect changes in diet and exercise that reduce health risks even without weight loss.

Others worried that physicians would unnecessarily prescribe medications to those who are not seriously overweight.

 But the NHLBI panel argued that the strong link between excess body fat and health problems made the new guidelines necessary. The panel said the guidelines would encourage physicians to fully evaluate patients before prescribing treatment.

It is obvious that overweight does not necessarily mean that the weight carrier is an unhealthy person; there are actually plenty of overweight people who are in excellent health condition.

However, many normal weight people have the metabolic problems that are associated with obesity and that is because the fat under the skin is actually not that big of a problem.

At least not from a health standpoint but it’s more of a cosmetic problem.  Research has also shown that it is the fat in the abdominal cavity, the belly fat that causes the biggest problem.

That is, if you have a lot of excess fat around your waistline, even if you are not very heavy, it is advice able you should take some steps to get rid of it, and as fast as possible.

Everyone needs to know the actual size of his or her waistline; belly fat is usually estimated by measuring the circumference around your waist, and this can easily be done at home with a simple tape measure.

Anything above 40 inches (102 cm) in men and 35 inches (88 cm) in women is taken as abdominal obesity. Actually, there are a few proven strategies that have been shown to target the fat in the belly area more than other areas of the body.

I believe that by now, almost everyone has heard of the BMI, or Body Mass Index that is being utilized to gage the amount of body fat that one have and to give a range of what is healthy for him or her. As said earlier, the BMI is a measurement of
body weight that is based on your own weight and height.

But it does not really actually, measure the percentage of your body fat that you have, it is used as a guideline to estimate what your body weight should be; based on your height. And it has now become a very widely used and accepted practice to identify whether a person is overweight, or even underweight.

It is nothing new — having been invested in years past, but it has become increasing popular along with the wide range of health and diet aids that have hit the market over the last few decades.

There are also many quick and easy online tools you can use to access your own personal BMI, but it is a calculation of your current weight against your height. A normal range of BMI is estimated to be between 18.5 and 24.9.

The survey conducted in early 90s indicated that over 59% of American men and 49% of American women were over 25%. A 2007 survey now states that 63% of people are now over 25%. However, overweight and obesity is not peculiar to America alone, it is a global problem.

That is a startling statistic, trying to determine what the figure will be by now, and certainly one that indicates that losing weight is more critical than ever as that trend needs to be reduced to the barest minimum.

Scoring a BMI that is over 30 indicates that one is on the wrong track and that losing weight should be a primary focus to regain your health. Nevertheless, sometimes it can be daunting on where you can go to start to lose that weight and reduce your BMI.

Luckily for you, there have been teams of researchers and doctors who have been doing the homework for you and others that are facing this challenge and they have now formulated a weight loss system that not only works, but is made from 100% natural ingredients.

This weight loss system will help you not only
lose weight but also reduce your body fat permanently. You will start to notice immediate results even after only seven days of use. In addition, you will start to lose your cravings, and the hunger pangs will soon be a thing of the past.

And once you lose those two main deterrents to sticking to a healthier way of eating, your body fat will start to decrease significantly. Your BMI will start to decrease and that will help reduce other health factors that are associated with being overweight.

Just think of plugging your new weight into the BMI calculator and watching as you become closer to that goal number of 25. With this weight loss system, you will find it easier to stick to your goals and soon you will be at your ideal weight and your ideal BMI in no time.

The system is guaranteed to give you the results you need without any side effect or your money back. In fact, for a limited time, you can have a free 30 days trial to get you started.

So what do you have to lose except that excess weight? Order your free trial today and get started on that optimum BMI goal.

It is time to order for this wonderful weight loss system, the fight to reduce overweight is a global one, and all hands must be on deck for us to win at all cost. So, help spread this message on social media, click on the social network icons below and share this message.

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